What is wet felting?

Wet felting is the process of using fibres (wool and other fibres ) to build 2-D and 3-D forms by using heat, soap and water which in turn makes the wool shrink, forming into a solid and sculpt-able material. This process allows for strong and moveable textiles that are water resistant , easily cleaned and made of 100% natural ingredients. I love the unique textures and and variety of finishes achieved with wet felting, it is such an exciting material with a real life of its own. I was lucky to learn this craft with a world renowned textile and sculpture artist Lisa Klakulak, you can find her work at https://strongfelt.com/ I have been incredibly inspired by her work as well as felt artist Marjolein Dallinga who’s work can be found at https://www.bloomfelt.com/marjolein-dallinga/


Hand- Dyed