Making Clothing

I start with an image in my head or sometimes by looking at fabric or garments and being inspired to sketch, drafting patterns and making mock-ups to figure out fit, placement and silhouette as well as dye samples and screen-print designs. All my material are either second hand or bought from a company that provides natural fabrics made of organic bamboo, linen, cotton and hemp and even some local Canadian made fabrics. All these choices are in an attempt to reduce my ecological footprint in the fashion industry as much as possible. The fast fashion industry is the 2nd biggest worldwide polluter after oil and gas. This is why flow fashion is so important to me. With my clothing I like to explore gender themes across centuries of fashion and re-contextualizing them into modern and queer realms. Representing LGBTQ+ models and gender diversity in clothing is an expression of love and gratitude to my community and hopefully a platform for people to see themselves represented.


-uschi tala-

warriors of darkness,wielders of light

wardrobe + props

Slow Fashion

All garments are made with a combination of up-cycled material and organic and ethically sourced materials. Many garments here are hand-dyed using natural dyes and/or synthetic dyes. Fresh dye stuff is collected following the guidelines of “The Honourable Harvest” written by Dr. Robin Kimmerer in her book Braiding Sweetgrass

To learn more about Slow Fashion, fibersheds and more see the reading and video list below

. The Honourable Harvest -Dr. Robin Kimmerer (Video) A Fibershed for London (2015) Documentary (video) Being t(here)- India Flint (Video/poetry/process work) My interview with Ash of From Field to Skin on sustainable fashion, queer style and the fast fashion world and the way we may divert from it


Hand- Dyed

